216. Rediscover the roles of a manager
Although management is a science, you can grow as a manager through practice. However, to be successful, you must understand the multiple roles that the management function involves.
215. How to integrate new employees
The purpose of the onboarding process is the ability to socially integrate new employees into the organization. When the integration is well thought out, this lays the foundation for long-term success for both employee and employer. Although we think that this is a process that belongs to human resources, we forget that the manager has […]
214. How to motivate others at work
Motivating employees to invest sustained efforts to achieve remarkable results is an essential skill for any leader. But it requires the mastery of motivation key levers.
213. How to develop talents
In our constantly changing context, giving your employees the opportunity to develop their expertise, their know-how as well as their interpersonal skills must remain a priority. Because the success of your current – and future – team is at stake.
212. How to manage change
It is often said that the only thing that doesn’t change at work is the abundance of change!They can include the arrival of a new leader, market evolution, emergence of a new technology, productivity improvement and so on. The triggers are indeed multiple.The nature of the changes is also varied, ranging from minor changes in […]
211. Succeed in your strategic planning
To ensure its sustainability, every organization must evolve. The status quo is never an option, as the market evolves, technologies develop and society changes. Therefore, the purpose of a strategic plan is to determine where an organization needs to evolve and in what ways.
210. How to foster high performing teams
Without a positive work climate and proven collaborative practices, teamwork cannot achieve excellence.
209. How to delegate
Delegating is an essential skill for any manager. But to achieve results, motivate employees and develop their talents, it must be done in a remarkable way.
208. How to hold efficient meetings
Do you ever think your work week is all about one long 40-hour meeting? Fortunately, there are practices and tools to make sure your meetings are effective and engaging.