1. Introduction to change management

Management research confirms what we see on a daily basis: implementing change is difficult to achieve. In fact, several studies show that nearly 70% of organizational changes are a total or partial failure because they do not achieve the expected results.

Yet many organizations tackle change by designing a solution that will be implemented without paying much attention to the conditions that are critical to its success.

In fact, it is not enough to demand that employees alter their ways for change to take hold. Without a detailed analysis of the impact of the change on their daily lives, and a well thought- out and rigorously executed strategy, it is highly likely that your employees’ resistance will hinder the achievement of your objectives. Indeed, most people need to be strongly motivated to change their habits, because it requires sustained effort. If they are not convinced of the merits of the change imposed on them, they will resist, openly or not.

The objective of this first section is to explain the most common issues related to the implementation of changes. The following modules will explore different aspects in order to better equip you to successfully implement future changes.