Mindful Humans

Your unique way of thinking is the key to unlocking your remarkable potential.

Our approach goes well beyond the sharing of proven knowledge.

We do not merely reveal the best practices in leadership and management.

We offer workshops and lectures that immerse you in a fascinating world at the intersection of leadership, neuroscience, and mindfulness.

Our mission is threefold:

Transmit knowledge in leadership that is both concrete and proven.

Develop the ability to think.

Effectively bridge the gap between learning and action.

We leverage advancements in neuroscience to explain the thought processes of our brain and maximize its potential for adaptation and evolution.

In parallel, we demystify the practice of mindfulness, which is akin to a strength-training exercise for the brain. Supported by scientific evidence, it sharpens our ability to focus our attention and objectively observe our thoughts and emotions.

By broadening our horizons, we develop a deep capacity to think wisely and act with discernment.

These skills are essential for adopting informed behaviors and embedding them as lasting habits.

Ready to unleash your exceptional potential?

New knowledge is more accessible than ever, but it’s not enough.

To have a tangible impact, it must be converted into deliberate action, and these actions must become lasting habits.

To develop new habits, it is essential to decide to take action, repeatedly.

Yet, with each opportunity to practice, you only have a fraction of a second to make your decision.
  • Intention

    Acquire new knowledge and decide to put it into practice.

  • Attention

    To be attentive in the heat of the moment to identify opportunities to practice.

  • Observation

    Watch your thoughts and emotions at the moment of putting yourself into practice. You only have a fraction of a second to make up your mind.

  • Progress

    Practice tirelessly to create new neural connections and strengthen them.

    A new habit is then created.

Our approach goes well beyond sharing state-of-the-art leadership practices.

Our approach is rooted in a fertile ground of knowledge and experience.
At the intersection
Of leadership and Neuroscience

Relying on the brain’s neuroplasticity and the human way of thinking to improve our way of reflecting and adopt new behaviors.

At the intersection
Of Neuroscience and Mindfulness

Developing the capacity for attention and objective observation of our thoughts and emotions to make profound and lasting changes by creating/reinforcing new neural connections.

At the intersection
Of Leadership and Mindfulness

Strengthening the ability to be fully aware in the present moment to respond rather than react to events through proven brain training practices.

In our time, there is emphasis on the importance of physical exercise.

Yet, the most important organ in our body is our brain.
Shouldn’t we train it regularly?

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Meet the passionate explorer behind
Mindful Humans.

Ginette Gagnon, M. Sc.

Executive Coach and Founder

Meet the passionate explorer behind
Mindful Humans.

Ginette Gagnon, M. Sc.

Executive Coach and Founder