Mindful Humans

Strategic Decisions & Actions

Navigating Uncertainty.

Cultivate your ability to make informed decisions and to take action to exercise remarkable leadership over your life, your team, and your organization.

Do you wish to have a remarkable impact?

The key to exercising conscious and thoughtful leadership in all aspects of your life, regardless of your role or position, lies essentially in your ability to take advantage of your unique way of thinking.

Your actions depend on the quality of your thoughts and your ability to think effectively.

However, the development of this skill is rarely addressed in training programs, although it is entirely possible to cultivate this invaluable talent.

You will discover how through our intensive training.

Stay focused on your goals.

Make informed decisions and find innovative solutions.

Inspire trust, influence positively and sustainably, and build high-quality relationships.

Our bootcamp

This unique program offers the necessary tools and techniques to become a thoughtful, intentional, and compassionate actor, capable of successfully overcoming today’s personal and professional challenges.

To unleash your full leadership potential, it is crucial to first understand how we, as human beings, think and react.

It is also essential to observe and evaluate your thoughts (including your emotions) in action to make informed decisions, respond appropriately to challenges, and evolve.

Our intensive training integrates concepts from neuroscience, the practice of mindfulness, and mastery of strategic thinking.

It also aims to develop fundamental skills such as informed decision-making, the development of innovative solutions, and the cultivation of high-quality human relationships.

Cultivate your ability to make wise decisions and take action despite uncertainty.

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Tangible Results

You will emerge from this training with concrete skills that will be all the more significant if you practice the provided tools on a daily basis.


Greater agility in consciously deciding which information is most useful to you in the present moment, without losing sight of your goals.


Improved ability to make informed decisions while avoiding the usual pitfalls.


An effective and constructive way of communicating, thus fostering quality relationships.


Greater skill in conveying your ideas in an inspiring and convincing manner, beyond just words.


Four virtual workshops, each lasting 2 hours.

Next training session in English


Mastering the art of attention in a distracted world.

Date to be confirmed


Making wise decisions, even when facing complexity.

Date to be confirmed


Communicate with impact.

Date to be confirmed


Mindful influence: inspire beyond words

Date to be confirmed


Strategic Decisions & Actions:

Navigating Uncertainty.

Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in your personal and professional development.

Join our list of leaders with exceptional potential, and we’ll let you know when the dates of our next intensive training courses are confirmed.

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Overall composition

Although the workshops are rich in content, they are highly participative. Each concept is illustrated by real-life examples, case studies, practical exercises and exchanges with participants, facilitating assimilation and concrete application.

1. Mastering the art of attention in a distracted world

Discover how human thought works and learn how to strengthen your attention. This knowledge is fundamental, and will help you to better manage your emotions and strengthen your ability to think in a lasting way.


  • Understand how human beings think.
  • Recognize the essential role of attention in complex problem-solving, informed decision-making, quality interpersonal relationships and the development of new skills and competencies.
  • Discover neuroscience-proven mindfulness techniques to improve your attention span.
  • Cultivate your ability to evolve, thanks to the power of motivation, objective self-observation, the exercise of veto power at the heart of action, and the evaluation of results and learning.
  • Define your first steps and concrete actions to strengthen your focus before the next workshop.
2. Make wise decisions, even when facing complexity

Whether you’re making a decision on your own, or as part of a team, in this workshop you’ll learn concrete techniques to help you make thoughtful decisions despite obstacles and challenges.


  • Monitor the progress of your development plan.
  • Understand the key role of attention in decision-making and problem-solving.
  • Identify your natural approach to decision-making: intuition or reasoning.
  • Familiarize yourself with the 5 levers of strategic thinking.
  • Explore mental models to help you think differently, and break the deadlock when the decision to be made is not obvious, whether you’re working alone or as part of a team.
  • Put these techniques into practice by focusing on your attention and presence.
3. Communicate with impact

Communication is much more than just talking. Dive into the concrete elements that transform a simple conversation into a powerful and influential interaction.


  • Monitor progress on your development plan.
  • Understand the role of attention in effective communication.
  • Identify and understand your own communication style, while learning to decipher that of others.
  • Discover remarkable communication tools: active listening and powerful questions.
  • Understand the link between attention and emotion management, and experiment with a method for responding rather than reacting to events.
4. Mindful Influence: Inspire beyond words

Lasting influence goes beyond simply persuading others with our rational arguments. In this workshop, based on my book “Full Influence”, we’ll discover the fundamental elements for inspiring and resonating with others, and thus strengthening your positive impact on others.


  • See how your development plan is progressing.
  • Discover the crucial role of intuitive thinking, rational thinking and mindfulness in inspiring confidence and inspiring others.
  • Explore the 3 essential levers for inspiring confidence and having a positive impact on others.
  • Discover a 3-step process for exerting lasting influence.

Meet the passionate explorer behind
Mindful Humans.

Ginette Gagnon, M. Sc.

Executive Coach and Founder

Meet the passionate explorer behind
Mindful Humans.

Ginette Gagnon, M. Sc.

Executive Coach and Founder

Training fees

CA$ 1,997

This investment in your personal and professional development gives you access to 4 interactive workshops.

In addition, by registering, you will enjoy the following benefits:

Our aim is to provide you with an enriching, high-quality experience that will enable you to develop your leadership skills and realize your potential. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to invest in yourself and transform your career and your life.

Appliquez pour une bourse de 500 $.

Mindful Humans offre une bourse de 500 $ à un nombre limité de personnes désireuses de s’inscrire à notre formation intensive.

Cette bourse est destinée à rendre notre formation plus accessible et à vous encourager dans votre démarche. Il suffit de compléter le formulaire d’application ci-contre.

Formulaire d’application pour la bourse de 500$.
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Formulaire d’application pour la bourse de 500$.
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Mindful Humans offre une bourse de 500 $ à un nombre limité de personnes désireuses de s’inscrire à notre formation intensive.

Cette bourse est destinée à rendre notre formation plus accessible et à vous encourager dans votre démarche. Il suffit de compléter le formulaire d’application ci-contre.

Exprimez votre passion et votre engagement, et vous pourriez être l’un des bénéficiaires chanceux!

Nous avons hâte de vous lire et de vous soutenir dans votre parcours vers une intelligence consciente plus développée.

Nous vous répondrons dans les prochaines 24 heures ouvrables.

Osez réfléchir de façon remarquable.

Laissez-vous guider par Ginette, et découvrez comment son expertise et sa passion peuvent transformer votre carrière et accélérer votre réussite.

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We are committed to sharing only high-quality content to enrich your leadership journey. Sign up now!

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