The contribution of neuroscience to decision-making

Making an informed decision can be perilous. We are often faced with complex situations, lack of time, numerous distractions and strong emotions. Fortunately, advances in neuroscience now offer fascinating prospects for transforming the art of deciding into a science of efficiency.

This crucial talent so often overlooked

In a constantly evolving world, managers are always on the lookout for new talents and skills to meet the challenges they face. However, the “crucial talent,” often overlooked, is the development of the thinking capacity of their team members.

Do your colleagues feel safe around you?

Whether we are aware of it or not, our brain is constantly on the lookout for threats because we are genetically made to be anxious. However, if we arouse worry around us, we deprive others of their abilities to think and solve problems.

A powerful catalyst for leadership transformation: the horse!

Leadership research draws inspiration from analyzing the behavior and characteristics of great leaders to offer managers ways of being and acting. However, given the radical transformation of workplaces and the arrival of new generations of employees, it becomes urgent to explore new models that are both innovative and effective.

Welcoming a New Employee: A Guide

Despite the considerable efforts invested in finding and hiring the right candidate in this era of labor shortages, companies often overlook a crucial factor for retaining their recruits: successful integration. It is estimated that 40% of corporate turnover is caused by employees leaving within a year of being hired.

The art of changing

To change is difficult. Even if you understand rationally in what ways you should behave to improve yourself and have a positive impact on others, even if you deeply feel the desire to evolve, it remains challenging.

Small Business or Small Team: Do Your Strategic Planning!

Many managers fear that developing a strategic plan is a waste of time. Indeed, the process is often arduous and misunderstood, and it usually produces a cumbersome document that will quickly be set aside. Faced with the imperatives of daily operations, the path forward seems to be self-evident; so why invest time in strategic planning?

Teamwork: Are you contributing effectively?

Is it enough to gather a few well-meaning people for them to work effectively as a team? Research conducted by Team Coaching International (TCI) shows that only 12% of the thousands of teams surveyed around the world rate themselves as highly performing. Something to think about…